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Oct 16, 2010

Product Spotlight: Naturally More Peanut Butter

If I were ever to have a love affair with a food, I think Naturally More would probably be one of my top choices. This stuff is HOT baby!

Choosing a healthy, but delicious peanut butter is a really sticky topic. Most processed PBs like JIF and Skippy are loaded with added sugars and partially hydrogenated oils (aka trans fats), but they taste ridiculously good and are easy to spread. Adding all that crap is a great way to turn an extremely heart-healthy food into a dessert. On the other hand, If you're trying to be healthy and go for the natural kind you often have to deal with an oily mess that doesn't taste all that great. What's a PB connoisseur supposed to do? 

BAM...enter Naturally More. Not only is this stuff uber healthy, even more so than completely natural PB, it's probably the best tasting PB I've ever tried...even better than the sugary, processed brands.

Normally, PB is a fantastic source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber (complements of the peanuts). Naturally More takes heart health to a new level by adding in my favorite food...dun dun dun...flaxseeds! (If you don't know much about flaxseeds or why I absolutely love them you can check out my post about them here). Flaxseeds contribute high fiber content, disease-fighting antioxidants, and really high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids--fatty acids that lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), raise HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), and lower blood pressure. They're best known for their high levels in salmon and oily fish.

I also love how egg whites and wheat germ are a part of the ingredient blend. What a unique combo. The egg whites bump up the protein content to 10g per serving!! That's almost double the amount of protein in typical peanut butter brands. Additionally, wheat germ provides over 50% of the DV for folic acid, which is critical to new cell development and growth. 

All in all Naturally More is as good as it's gonna get when it comes to peanut butter. Not only does it have powerful omega-3s + 6s, antioxidants, fiber, folic acid, and a ton of muscle building protein, but it also tastes awesome. It's got a hearty, smooth, lightly sweet taste with a delicate crunch. It's pretty much perfection in a jar.

If there was one problem with Naturally More it would be that it's a little tricky to find. Some supermarkets carry it and others don't, I really can't figure it out. Look in the PB aisle of random supermarkets and you'll find it eventually. If you happen to come across it magically, take it as a sign from me and pick up a jar. 

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