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Oct 18, 2010

The Best Oblique Workout to Get Ripped Up Abs

If you're looking to build up your obliques or get that sexy, deep v-cut, start adding these three exercises into your ab routine. Often times people focus primarily on the rectus abdominis, aka the 6-pack muscles, but they totally neglect the obliques. Because they lack an emphasis on their obliques they develop a core that's imbalanced and looks like it lacks width. 

What's great about the combination of these three exercises is that they use a variety of angles, motions, and contractions to really shock your core into new growth. I guarantee that if you start doing these exercises regularly, on top of following a healthy, nutritious diet, you'll start seeing a shredded, powerful pair of obliques begin to develop.

Exercise 1 - Weighted Oblique Static Holds

Lay on one side of your body and slowly crunch your legs and torso towards each other. Really squeeze your side/obliques. At the peak contraction point, or the point where you're squeezing the hardest, hold it there for 45 seconds. Don't worry if you're unable to get 45 seconds right away, hold it for as long as you can and slowly build up to 45 seconds over time. Repeat for the other side.

Once you're able to do 45 seconds comfortably, add a light dumbbell between your feet. Start with 5 pounds and continue to progress as it gets easier and easier.

Easy - No weight, hold for 45 seconds
Medium - 5 pound dumbbell, hold for 45 seconds
Hard - 10 pound dumbbell, hold for 45 seconds
Pro - 12 pound dumbbell, hold for 60 seconds
Exercise 2 - Side Planks With Knee Pull

Start by propping your body up on one arm, while raising the other arm straight up in the air. By raising the opposite arm you're stretching out and isolating the obliques. Stagger your feet so that the top foot is on top/in front of your bottom foot. While keeping your body perfectly straight, bring your bottom foot as far into your chest as possible. Hold your knee in your chest for 1 second and repeat the motion.

Do 15 reps per side, or as many as you can. Make sure to keep your body straight!!! As this starts to get too easy try to hold your knee into your chest for longer than 1 second. 

Easy - 10 reps per side, hold for .5 second
Medium - 15 reps per side, hold for .5 second
Hard - 15 reps per side, hold for 1 second
Pro - 15 reps per side, hold for 2 seconds

Exercise 3 - Decline Russian Twists

Find an ab bench and set it to a 45 degree decline. Lean back, tighten your core, and make sure to maintain good posture. Don't arch your back!! A great way to check your form is to puff out your chest and squeeze your lower back. Once in position extend your arms straight out in front of you and slowly rotate back and forth from the left to the right.  

Aim for a total of 20 twists. Once this gets too easy, make it harder by holding a weight plate or medicine ball in your hand.

Easy - 10 twists, no weight
Medium - 20 twists, no weight
Hard - 20 twists, 10 pounds
Pro - 20 twists, 20 pounds

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