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Oct 26, 2010

What's Hot: Neuro Drinks

Whenever I think about sports performance drinks, Vitaminwater is always one of the first brands to pop into my head. I love the stuff, especially the zero-cal version. Interestingly though, just a few years ago Vitaminwater was a relatively unknown brand that was giving out free samples just to gain visibility and acceptance. Look how much it's exploded since's already entered the top-5 selling sports performance drinks worldwide. Lets be serious, you know you're popular as hell when you're using The Situation in your commercials (if you haven't seen it yet click to watch the commercial here). Looking back at Vitaminwater's ascension to the top of the sports drink world, its one of those things that you look at and tell yourself: "man, why didn't I jump on board sooner."

With Vitaminwater's explosion in mind, I think I've found the next HUGE drink on the market. If you've never had a Neuro, or don't know what Neuro is, keep listening. This stuff is going to blow up, and it's going to blow up in a big, big way.

Neuro Drinks is a new line of low-calorie, lightly carbonated, functional drinks that serve to elicit a wide range of effects, including heightened mental functioning, sexual performance, and better sleep. I LOVEEEEEE me some Neuro. Not only are there only 35 calories per bottle, but the stuff tastes incredible with only a minimal amount of added sugar. More importantly, Neuro works for each of its intended functions. I can't think of another product that so perfectly blends low calories, amazing and unique taste, and such powerful functional's pretty magical. Neuro's cool, really different and unique from other drinks available, and the bottle's straight up awesome. The fact that they're using JT, Amanda Beard, and Lady Gaga to embody the essence of their brand is just too cool, literally. 
Neuro currently comes in 7 flavors, each of which has its own unique blend of scientifically-backed ingredients to produce a very different functional benefit. The flavors include: Bliss, Gasm, Sonic, Aqua, Sport, Sleep, and Trim.

  • NeuroBliss: Bliss does what it's name promotes happiness, relaxation, and stress reduction. It contains hydroxytryptophan (tryptophan's in turkey, which is why eating it at Thanksgiving always makes you drowsy) and L-theanine, amino acids that promote relaxation and a calm feeling. I've used Bliss before big presentations to chill out and relax, it's definitely helped me present in a more calm, more controlled way.
  • NeuroGasm: Gasm promotes better sexual health, but it also supports better circulation and blood flow. In effect, Gasm is basically a less intense pre-workout drink. It has l-arginine, l-citrulline, and l-norvaline which all enhance blood flow, as well as caffeine and l-carnitine to boost energy levels. Carnitine also increases lipolysis, which helps your body burn more calories from fat. Gasm's a great option before a killer workout to increase strength and endurance. Oh yeah, it's good before sex too...can someone say liquid viagra? Stuff works well. 
  • NeuroSonic: Sonic is probably my favorite Neuro, it's so functional and works incredibly well. It's intended to boost memory, concentration, cognitive performance, and attention. Sonic contains taurine, caffeine, carnitine, and theanine for enhanced mental function, as well as resveratrol for heart health (it's one of the antioxidants in wine). It's basically a less intense energy drink, but with the same effects and no crash. I've used Sonic a lot to study for tests, to enhance focus during a workout, or just as a's powerful and puts you IN THE ZONE. It really makes you feel incredible. 
  • NeuroSleep: Sleep promotes better sleep quality. In my experience, Sleep knocks you the hell out and you stay out. Sleep contains magnesium, hydroxytryptophan, theanine, and melatonin--four powerful ingredients that increase relaxation, sleep quality, and normalize sleep cycles. If you're having problem sleeping, NeuroSleep is definitely worth a shot.
  • NeuroTrim: Trim is designed as a solution for healthy weight loss. It works by significantly curbing appetite, revving up metabolism, blocking the absorption of sugar into fat cells, and increasing the usage of body fat for energy. Drinking Trim before meals is a great way to reduce the amount of calories you eat.
  • NeuroAqua: I've never had Aqua, so I can't comment on its flavor, but for the most part it seems like purified water.
  • NeuroSport: Sport is Neuro's version of Gatorade. Sport has the ideal level of sugar for an intra-workout drink, plus it contains the electrolytes calcium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, and potassium, which help support healthy fluid balance and hydration. Interestingly, Sport also has calcium which can help increase the strength of muscle contractions. Sport's great for anyone who participates in athletics and wants that extra burst of energy, an extra bit of strength, or the hydration to keep you going and going. 
Whether you're trying to get pumped up for a kickass workout, studying endlessly for a test, trying to get a good nights sleep,  or just want a delcious, low-cal drink, Neuro is the way to go. Go pick up a Neuro and join the phenomenon that's about to hit the nation, if not the world, hard.

You can get more info about Neuro at their site, Amazon also sells Neuro cheap here.

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