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Apr 2, 2010

Review: Bigger, Stronger, Faster

I recently watched the documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster and I was really impressed by how interesting, informative, and surprising it was. It explores the evolution of steroids, HGH, and other performance enhancing drugs and how they have essentially become synonymous with American culture. It also explores how the supplement industry manipulates its consumers (it's NOT subject to FDA regulations or any other standards) and has become a 24 billion dollar business. He gives a pretty hilarious demonstration using two Mexicans hired off the street to show how stupidly easy it is to formulate a new supplement and make a profit.

It's pretty insane, performance enhancing drugs are used everywhere...bodybuilding, schools, modeling, baseball, football, cycling, Olympic running, and even porn. Our society has become so dependent on drugs. Public speakers and musicians take beta-blockers as a way of blocking adrenaline and staying completely calm and relaxed during high-pressure events, and students are selling adderall in schools because it has become so popular for its focus-enhancing abilities...It's getting a little bit ridiculous. At some point all of this drug use is going to catch up to us and bite us in the ass. I pride myself on building my body in as naturally as possible...something that has become practically extinct in the bodybuilding community, and surprisingly even amongst average gym-goers.

Check this out:

Students Reporting Steroid Abuse 1991–2002
8th Grade
10th Grade
12th Grade

It's scary stuff that kids this young are using steroids, and what's scarier is that it's on the rise.

Here's the link to the documentary, sorry the quality is pretty bad. If you have a netflix account they have it on demand. If you google search it or check any movie website you may be able to find it in better quality. Enjoy!

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