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Apr 26, 2010

Getting Rid of Cellulite and Stretch Marks: What is Cellulite and the Best Ways to Prevent It

Cellulite is one of the biggest aesthetic puzzles for women of any age (women in their 20's get it to). If you have it you're not alone--over 80% of women over the age of 20 have cellulite. And it's not only for older, obese women--both teenagers and models alike can have cellulite. Although men can get cellulite, about 90-98% of cellulite cases occur in women. So what is cellulite, why do you get cellulite, and most do you get rid of cellulite!?

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the hard-to-look-at, lumpy, cottage-cheesy looking skin (yeah it sounds nasty) that commonly appears on the butt, abdomen, and thighs. It's a condition that affects the appearance of the skin in areas with a high concentration of underlying fat, which results in a hilly, dimpled look.

The reason why cellulite is so much more common in women than in men is primarily due to differing skin anatomy.
  1. Men have a much thicker epidermis - the top layer of skin. Because of this, male skin is much more resistant to change and is more likely to maintain its structure and stay flat. A woman's thin epidermis exposes it to disfiguration and the lumpy look known as cellulite. Think of it like a suit of armor. Men have a strong, outer layer that prevents the fat from bulging through the surface.'s not fair, sorry!
  2. As you can see from the pictures, female subcutaneous fat (underlying fat) is arranged into large, separate containers (cells) that run vertically underneath the skin's surface. As these fat cells grow these containers of fat are forced to expand vertically, and the fat gets pushed towards the surface. As this fat gets pushed upwards into the epidermis it will start to create visible bumps on the surface. Male subcutaneous fat is arranged in a crisscrossing pattern, which reduces the size of the fat containers and cellulite lumps (if they can even penetrate the thick epidermis). Again...sorry girls!
  3. Women wear tight underwear! Wearing tight underwear constricts blood flow around your butt and thighs, which can contribute to cellulite development. Stick to thongs or looser fitting underwear. Who knew going commando was actually healthy.
What Causes Cellulite and How Do I Prevent/Get Rid of Cellulite?

There are plenty of expensive cosmetic surgeries and miracle treatments that advertise themselves as a magical, quick way to get rid of cellulite. I've seen creams, massage therapy, liposuction, drugs, "skin smoothing", and things as ridiculous as magnetic therapy and radio frequency therapy. There are literally hundreds of advertised treatments for cellulite. The problem is that there is currently no scientific evidence proving that any of these treatments actually work. They're a waste of money, stay away from them.

So how do you get a smooth butt and legs like the hottie below? The one sure way to get rid of cellulite, or at least to reduce how hideous it looks, is to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and lift weights. Getting rid of cellulite requires the same process as getting rid of regular body fat. Stick to a low calorie, healthy diet, and exercise.

Another really effective tactic to get rid of cellulite is to weight train. Building muscle in your legs (specifically your thighs, butt, and abs, or wherever you have it) can harden the appearance and smooth out your skin. Weight training is also a very effective way to burn calories and fat.

Here are a few other reasons for cellulite development:
  • Hormones: Certain hormones such as estrogen, insulin, and thyroid hormones play a large role in cellulite development. A diet that controls blood sugar and insulin levels (eating healthy, complex carbs such as whole grains and vegetables, and avoiding refined carbs and sugary foods) can prevent cellulite. The bad news is that many of these hormones are predetermined by genetics and you can't do much to change control them.
  • Genetics: We have genes that predetermine the extent to which we develop cellulite. Gender, race, metabolism, and subcutaneous fat distribution all play a roll. Unfortunately, you can can't change these things. Blame your parents!
  • Diet: Eating a healthy diet targeted at reducing body fat can have a major impact on the reduction of cellulite. Eat a lot of fiber, complex carbs/whole grains, fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and protein.
  • Smoking: Cellulite is more common in smokers
  • Exercise: All forms of exercise, cardio, and weight training can reduce cellulite.
  • Clothing: Tight underwear that constricts blood flow around the thighs and butt can actually contribute to cellulite development. Surprisingly, thongs and loose-fitting underwear can help prevent cellulite.
If you want to get rid of your cellulite there's no need to invest in expensive miracle treatments or procedures. Lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, weight train, and don't smoke. These things are all in your control, and the best part is they don't cost much of anything.


  1. Bryan, once again another phenomenal post! You said earlier when you were calculating your TDEE that your body fat percentage was 8%. Does that mean you do not have any cellulite? If so, can you show me some pics of your perfect body so I can project it to see what I would look like if I get into shape. Thanks!

  2. Haha, no I don't have cellulite.

    I don't have any pictures to show you, but if you work hard to get into shape you're body can only improve. Everyone's body is different, what I look like at 8% body fat will be completely different from what someone else looks like at 8%. Work hard, eat right, and you'll build a strong and impressive physique of your very own.


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