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Aug 10, 2011

The Totally FREE, dFL Calorie Calculator and BMI Calculator

A while back I posted a full guide on "How to Calculate Your Individualized Calorie Needs to Gain, Lose, or Maintain Your Weight," which was pretty good...but it actually required a little bit of real work and effort to figure out how many calories you needed to consume in order to achieve whatever dietary goal you might've had in mind. With that in mind, me and my good friend Mike developed a really simplified excel calorie calculator that only requires you to input your body fat %, weight, and TDEE multiplier (total daily energy expenditure)...and voila, it'll spit out your very own personal daily caloric requirements for any situation.

If you don't know your body fat % off-hand, or have any way of measuring it any time soon, I've included a glossary of pictures to use as reference. I've also included a chart of different TDEE multipliers and what each number represents.

Additionally, although I personally think BMI is a really stupidly horrible metric to gauge whether or not someone is classified as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese (I'm 7% body fat, but it classifies me as borderline overweight...go figure), I've also built in a really simplified BMI calculator that only requires you to input your height and weight. BMI is a pretty widely used and recognized indicator of the obesity/overweight percentage of the population, so it's definitely interesting to see where you fall and how you're classified.

You can download the Free dFL Calorie Calculator and BMI Calculator @

If you find this useful definitely spread it to your friends, and if I'd GREATLY appreciate it if you subscribed to my blog here, and followed me on twitter @DiSantoFitlife.

I'm out for now, stay fit. ~DiSanto

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1. "How to Calculate Your Individualized Calorie Needs to Gain, Lose, or Maintain Your Weight"
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3. "The dFL Bible of Lifelong Fitness, Health, and Nutrition"
4. "Why Dieting Sucks, and 18 Tactics to Get Ripped Fast"
5. "Antioxidants 101: Everything You'd Ever Need/Want to Know About Antioxidants"

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