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Aug 16, 2011

Say WHAT!? Each Hour of TV You Watch Shortens Your Life By...

22 minutes!

Researchers in Australia recently conducted a study on 11,000 adults to get to the bottom of just how horrible TV-watching really is for your health. Well...I didn't really see this coming, but the results were pretty shocking. The researchers found that Australian's 25+ collectively watched ~9.8 BILLION hours of TV since 2008, which equated to a loss of 286,000 hours of life--or about 22 minutes/hour of TV watched.

Wow...That's pretty incredible. Thinking about it, you'd have to watch ~23,890 hours to cut 1 year off of your life, or ~65.5 hours to cut 1 day off of your life. Well then, thinking to myself...I've already lost a few months of my life.

Although I do question the validity of the study and their assumption that the loss of years of life is directly caused by TV watching (also, what number do you base a "full life" off of?), there's no doubt that living a sedentary lifestyle is absolutely one of the worst things you can do to your body. The one-two punch of overeating and sitting still is a pretty deadly combo, and a really easy way to develop a nasty case of obesity or heart disease.

So stay active, eat well, and turn off the tube...

For the full story check out

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