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Feb 27, 2011

The ULTIMATE Six Pack Abs Workout

Want a six pack like Ryan Reynolds!? Do this routine 2-3x per week...I PROMISE you that you'll start seeing abs within a few weeks, and monster abs within a few months (assuming that your body fat % is low enough). This routine hits everything: the six pack muscles, the lower abs, the obliques, and even the transverse abdominis -- the part that sucks your whole torso in nice and tight. It's like a salad of abtacular proportions...its got everything you could ever want all in one. It's gonna hurt like the hell the day after, but oh man...progress has never felt so good before!

The Routine:

How to do everything:

1. Hanging Leg Raises - Keep your legs straight.

If that's too hard, try... Roman Chair Leg Raises

2a. Hanging Knee Raises

3. Weighted Swiss Ball Crunches - Hold a plate or medicine ball behind your head. Once you're able to do 20 reps with a given weight increase the weight by 2 pounds. Keep upping the weight as your abs get more and more beastly...

4. Decline Weighted Sit-ups - Hold a plate or medicine ball on your chest. Once you're able to do 15 reps with a given weight increase it by 2 pounds.

4a. Russian Twists. Use a decline bench with a weighted medicine ball. If it's too difficult at first start off on a flat bench and work your way up. Like everything else...up the weight when you're able to do 10 reps.

5. Oblique Holds - Lay on one hip and prop up your upper body with your forearm. While holding a dumbbell between your feet, raise your legs about 6 inches off of the ground, SQUEEEEZE your obliques, and hold the position for 30 seconds. Switch to the other side.

6. Weighted Leg Lifts - Hold a dumbbell between your feet. Once you're able to get 10 reps up the weight.

7. 1-arm Planks - Try not to lean too much to one side, stay as flat as possible and squeeze your core tight.

If that's too hard try... The Plank

7a. Side Knee Tucks - Almost there...two more sets. It's the exercise at the :30 second point.

8. Cable Crunches - Last one...really squeeze your entire core together and hold it for 1 second during each rep.

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