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Jun 19, 2011

The Essential Exercises Series: Part 2 -- Triceps

Horseshoe Triceps
Ripped-Up, Toned Female Arms
I don't care what anyone says...if you want powerful, ripped-up, well-defined arms, building a strong set of triceps needs to be your number one priority (I hate to say it, but they're even more important than biceps). Don't worry, the guy above is a bodybuilder (Jeff Rodriguez), so don't get too discouraged...

Triceps Anatomy
The reality is that developing a set of horseshoe-esque, toned-up triceps is ridiculously impressive, looks sexy, and projects Hulk-like power and strength. Developing them also requires precise, well-rounded training that emphasizes the entire triceps muscle. In fact, the triceps isn't one muscle, it's actually comprised of three different heads--the lateral head, medial head, and long head--which together form the larger "triceps" muscle group. In order to build fully-developed, cut-up triceps and get that incredible horseshoe-shaped look, it's essential to hit each of the three heads as hard as possible in every single triceps workout (otherwise you get imbalanced, awkward looking triceps).

Here are my top 5 exercises for building ginormous, powerful, horseshoe-shaped triceps. Each exercise hits all three heads to a certain degree, but some are better than others at activating each head. Incorporate these exercises into your arms routine and I promise you that not only will your triceps begin to pop out and add some awesome definition/size, but it'll also bump up your bench press and other chest & shoulder exercises.

The Big 5

1. Triceps Dips. If you want big triceps, dips are absolutely essential. Dips are fantastic for hitting all three heads at once, and they're one of the only exercises that effectively blasts all three heads simultaneously (along with the closed-grip bench press, which is # 2). Also, unlike cable exercises and a lot of other isolation triceps exercises, dips allow you to overload your triceps with a significant amount of weight. After all, more weight lifted = more muscle gained.

Form: Make sure to lower slowly all the way down until your triceps are parallel to the ground. At the top of the movement, squeeze your triceps hard for 1 second.

Below are two different variations. The bench dip (the top picture) is significantly easier and a much better option for beginners. The bench dip is also a great exercise for building up endurance and really blasting your tris hard at the end of a workout. Traditional dips like the ones in bottom picture allow the body to handle more weight, and thus are much better for building muscle mass. Once you're able to get 12 reps in a set increase the weight by using a weight belt and weight plates.
2. Closed Grip Bench Press. The Closed Grip Bench Press is another great exercise that destroys all three heads of the triceps at once. Closed grip bench presses are also phenomenal for adding definition to the inner chest and creating that really nice line of separation between the two pecs. The CGBP allows the tricpes to handle a huge amount of weight, which results in quick muscle and strength gains.

Form: Your hands should be spaced closed together at the middle of the bar, about 1 foot apart. Your elbows should be tucked in close to your torso throughout the movement and should not stick out to the sides at all. Slowly lower the weight down until your triceps are parallel to the ground, hold for 1 second at the bottom, and accelerate back upwards.

3. Skull Crushers. Skull crushers, aka Barbell Lying Triceps Extensions, work primarily the long and medial heads of the triceps. Building up the long head adds size to the inner-bottom portion of the arm, which helps add overall height to your arms. It'll also make your arms come out bigger if you ever decide to measure them...having a well-developed long head can push you from a meager 18 inches to the big 2-0. Just sayin'...

Form: Load an EZ bar with weight plates, lay down on a flat bench, and extend your arms straight overhead. Without moving your upper arms at all, slowly bend your arms at the elbow and lower the EZ bar back beyond your head until your arms hit a 90 degree angle. Forcefully extend your arms upwards and hold the contraction at the top for 1 second.

Some people like to lower the weight directly to their forehead. I prefer (and recommend) lowering the weight behind your head because it'll take a lot of stress off of the elbow joint and displace it all onto the triceps. I also kinda like not having to worry about crushing my face like the name implies...

4. Overhead Lateral Triceps Extension. Overhead Lateral Triceps Extensions are awesome for destroying the lateral head of the triceps, which is critical for building up a dense, well-shaped horseshoe (they also hit the long head hard, the other half of the horseshoe). I love overhead lateral triceps extensions because they really allow you to feel a nice stretch on the way down and a powerful contraction on the way up.

Form: Start by raising one arm vertically overhead. Slowly bend your arm at the elbow and lower the dumbbell sideways behind your head. Make sure to keep your upper arm completely stationary and locked in placed! Lower slowly for 2 seconds, hold at the bottom for 1 second, and then squeeze your triceps hard at the top of the movement.

5. Reverse One-Arm Cable Triceps Extensions. These are my favorite triceps exercise ever! They emphasize the medial head, which adds length to the triceps and helps builds size around the elbow joint. I also find that I can pump out an insane squeeze at the point of contraction.

Form: Set up a cable station with a one-arm handle attachment so that the handle is as high as possible on the rack. Tuck your arm and elbow tightly into your torso and keep it there throughout the entire movement. Your upper arm should NOT move at all! Grab the handle with a reverse grip (underhand grip, palm facing upwards), bend at the elbow, and squeeze your triceps hard at the bottom of the movement. Hold the contraction for 1 second. On the way up slowly raise the cable all the way to the top and repeat the movement.

Parts 3-7 coming it up for now.

The Essential Exercises Series
Part 3 - Shoulders
Part 4 - Chest
Part 5 - Abs
Part 6 - Back
Part 7 - Legs

Jun 13, 2011

The Essential Exercises Series: Part 1 -- Biceps

Muscles are complicated...constructing a well-balanced, effective workout plan that hits every part of those complicated muscles is absolute chaos. Well, at least chaos simplified by me.

Workout routines need to not only include exercises and movements that hit each individual muscle group (arms, legs, abs, chest, etc.), but they also have to include exercises that, when combined, hit every single part of every single muscle. The triceps might seem like a small muscle, but it actually has 3 different parts--or muscle heads--each of which is activated differently by different exercises. Confusing, huh? That's where choosing the right combination of exercises comes in. After all, who'd ever wanna neglect the lower abs, anterior deltoid, or brachialis!?

Choosing the right exercises for any workout plan is, in my opinion, one of the most critical steps for maximizing muscle growth and building well-developed muscles. Google "the best biceps exercises" or "the best exercises for six pack abs"...I guarantee you that each of the search results will recommend a different combination of exercises. It's ridiculously confusing, and as a result people end up overworking their muscles and wasting time on exercises that don't produce anywhere near the results desired.

In light of the confusing universe of weight-lifting exercises I'm launching my 7-part "Essential Exercises Series," which lays out what I believe to be the 5 most effective, foundational exercises that should be staples in every single workout routine. These exercises are the best-of-the-best, professional grade. They'll blast your muscles fully and produce results in the shortest amount of time possible...I'm talking kickass results fast. The 7 parts include:
  1. Biceps
  2. Triceps
  3. Shoulders
  4. Chest
  5. Abs
  6. Back
  7. Legs
On to building beefy biceps...

Part 1. Biceps

What's colloquially referred to as the "biceps" muscle is actually a lot different than what most people think. In reality the biceps only makes up about 1/3 of the arm--the triceps and deltoid (shoulder) make up the other 2/3--and it's comprised of 3 muscles: the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. If you want toned-up, titanic-sized arms, it's essential that you hit all 3 parts of the "biceps," in addition to the triceps and deltoids (that's saved for parts 2 and 3).

For all biceps exercises, it's 100% necessary that you follow a 2-2 tempo--that is, raise the weight for 2 seconds going up and lower the weight for 2 seconds going down.

The Big 5 (in no particular order):

1. Standing Barbell Biceps Curl. Hits primarily the biceps brachii (the big muscle you flex), but also does a fantastic job of hitting the entire biceps region all at once. Keep your elbows tucked in against your torso, keep your back straight, and squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement. Do NOT rock your body and use momentum during the lift...all that does is NOT work your biceps. Space your hands about shoulder width apart, directly outside of your thighs.

2. Chin Ups. Chin ups work your back, specifically your lats, but they also do a great job of blasting all 3 parts of the biceps, as well as the forearms. Make sure that you lower all the way down  so that your arms are fully extended, and raise yourself all the way up until your biceps are fully contracted. Once you're able to do 12 chin ups in a set, start adding weight plates (using a chain weight belt) to up the intensity and difficulty. Space your hands about shoulder width apart.

3. EZ Bar Biceps Preacher Curls. EZ Bar >>

EZ bar biceps preacher curls are one of my absolute favorite ways to emphasize the brachialis, which adds thickness and width to the biceps, as well as to isolate the inner and outer heads of the biceps brachii muscle (so that when you flex, your biceps mound looks like it has two distinct parts). Oh...they also produce a ridiculously amazing skin-tearing pump...mmmm. Sit at a preacher bench so that your armpits rest comfortably at the top of the pad. First do 2 sets with your hands spaced widely apart, and then 2 do sets with your hands spaced with a narrow grip (in the video he uses a narrow grip). By changing up the spacing you're effectively hitting both "heads" of the biceps brachii. Make sure to lower all the way down...

3a. EZ Bar Reverse Preacher Curls. Same setup, but instead of using an underhand grip use an overhand grip. In simple terms, flip your hands over after you're done with the sets of regular EZ bar biceps preacher curls. The reverse variety emphasizes mainly the brachioradialis and forearms. They're much more difficult, so make sure to use less weight.

4. Incline Biceps Dumbbell Curls. These produce the most INSANE burn I've ever felt in my life. If you do them right, it'll legitimately feel like acid is bubbling up in the belly of your biceps muscle. LOVE IT! Incline biceps dumbbell curls are fantastic for emphasizing the lower part of the biceps brachii, giving the biceps a really full, long, sleeve-busting look. Set the bench to a 60 degree angle initially (if you're feeling really strong and want to make it more difficult, set the bench to 45 degrees) and supinate during the motion--at the bottom of the motion start with your palms facing inward towards your legs, and gradually throughout the motion rotate your palm so that it faces forward. The twisting motion makes sure that the motion not only hits the biceps brachii, but also the brachialis.

5. One-Arm Dumbbell Hammer Biceps Curls. Dumbbell hammer biceps curls are the best exercise for putting a lot of stress on the brachialis--the muscle primarily responsible for adding width to the biceps. Set up a preacher bench so that your armpit is comfortably resting at the top of the pad and the hold the dumbbell with a neutral grip (palm facing outward). Lower down all the way...

Check back for parts 2-7 of "The Essential Exercises Series" over the coming days. Stay fit for now...

The Essential Exercises Series
Part 3 - Shoulders
Part 4 - Chest
Part 5 - Abs
Part 6 - Back
Part 7 - Legs

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