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May 2, 2010

The Skinny On Popular Alcoholic Drinks...Well Maybe Not So Skinny

It's just about that time of year again...summer! That means BBQs, bikinis, beach, and fun drinks with mini umbrellas...woohoo! Unfortunately, indulging in umbrella drinks is a great way to destroy that beach body you devoted countless hours to. Here's a list of the most fattening alcoholic drinks known to man. If you love summertime drinking, or just drinking all year round, beware of the following cocktails and stick to healthier alternatives. You'll preserve your waistline and save yourself the hassle of buying a bigger bikini down the road. 

  1. 12 oz Long Island Iced Tea - 780 calories, 44g carbs. Are we drinking, or are we eating a meal? You could eat a big mac and small fries from McDonald's for less calories. Leave it for the guidos. Swap out the Coke for Diet Coke and skip the lemon juice, you'll save over 200 calories and a lot of sugar.
  2. 12 oz Margarita - 740 calories, 56g carbs. Aye yai yai! You're better off eating a meal at Chipotle. Swap it out for a corona with lime. You'll save about 600 calories. Plus you can be really cool and listen to Shwayze and rock out!
  3. 6 oz Pina Colada - 644 calories, 90g carbs. This things not only loaded with calories, but it's also got a ton of sugar and fat.
  4. 5 oz White Russian - 425 calories, 26g carbs. Any cocktail that's made with cream is always going to be high in calories, fat, and sugar. This is nothing more than a drinkable dessert.
  5. 4.5 oz Mai Tai - 350 calories, 35g carbs. This tropical mix looks really pretty in a glass. Enjoy it while it lasts...its good looks won't transfer over with it.
  6. Gin or Vodka with Tonic - 200 calories, 14g carbs. Not awful, but swap the tonic out for seltzer or diet soda and you'll save over 100 calories.
  7. 10 oz Banana/Strawberry Daiquiri - 614 calories. See Pina Colada.
  8.  6 oz Chocolate Martini - 438 calories.
  9. Samuel Adams Triple Bock - 340 calories. Highest calorie beer on the market. 
  10. Sierra Nevada Bigfoot - 330 calories.
  11. 10 oz Rum and Coke - 356 calories. Switch out the Coke for Diet Coke and save over 120 calories.
  12. Jager Bomb - 200 calories. Jager bombs are a lot of fun, but use carb-free Red Bull. You'll save 100 calories and a lot of sugar.
  13. Mudslide - 417 calories. Sugary, fatty mess.
Here are a few better options:

  1. Rum and Diet Coke - Only 65 calories.
  2. Guinness Draught - 120 calories. My favorite! Thick, creamy, delicious, and filling for only 120 calories. Extremely low in calories for a non-light beer.
  3. Flavored Vodka and Seltzer - 65 calories. If you like vodka this adds some bubbles. For flavored vodka try 3 Olives. It's smooth and comes in 16 great flavors, including root beer.
  4. Glass of Red/White Wine - ~100 calories. Red wine is a great option because it has high antioxidant content and improves blood cholesterol.
  5. 5 oz Bloody Mary - 120 calories. The vitamins and minerals from the tomato juice/celery are a nice addition. Add some Tabasco sauce for a kick.
  6. White Wine Spritzer - ~ 100 calories. Adds some bubbles to white wine.
  7. Vodka and Diet Cranberry - 100 calories.
  8. Amstel Light - 95 calories, 5g carbs. Low carbs for a beer.
  9. Corona Light w. Lime - 105 calories, 5g carbs. Great summer beer. This is a better alternative to Bud Light Lime which has 116 calories and 8g carbs. Corona Light w. Lime tastes a lot better too.
  10. Heineken Light - 99 calories, 6.8g carbs.
  11. Miller Light - 96 calories, 3.2 g carbs. One of the lowest calorie/carb beers.
  12. Yuengling Light - 98 calories, 6.6g carbs.


  1. Hey Bryan. Once again, another awesome post. It's funny that you posted it on alcohol because I went out drinking the other night and thought of you and your blog. I made a song about it. I'll send you the link to it, I hope you hear it.

  2. I'm curious about this song


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